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Ola Magnum Gold limited edition promotion
Client: Ola
Campaign: Magnum Gold launch
Objective: In the summer of 2010, Unilever wanted to launch a limited edition Magnum Gold variant. The campaign needed to create excitement around the brand and the limited edition product using 'gold' as the overarching theme.
Channels: FoneWorx conceptualised an eight-month long campaign, using sms as the primary competition channel, with a live event to round off the promotion. FoneWorx handled all the mechanics as well as prize fulfilment.
Mechanics: Ten million unique codes were generated and printed on Magnum ice-cream sticks. Consumers had to buy an ice-cream and sms the word 'gold' with their unique code to a dedicated number (smses cost R3.00 each) to stand in line to win a limited edition gold coin (monthly prize) or a gold bar (main prize, to be awarded at the live event).
The authentic gold coins were from Gold Reef City and valued at R5 000.00 per coin at the time. Each month, for eight months, one lucky entrant won a gold coin.
In addition, each month one finalist's name was drawn to go forward to the live event to win a gold bar, then valued at R200 000. Each finalist won a bottle of Gucci Guilty or Paco Rabanne 1 Million for Men.
The event was hosted by a former Miss South Africa and featured a live draw from the eight monthly finalists for the gold bar.
Results: Over 244 days, 832 811 smses were received. Sales of Magnum Gold were much greater than anticipated, with Unilever rating the campaign as 'highly successful'.