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News | Emotional connection is key when engaging women consumers

Emotional connection is key when engaging women consumers

August 20 2024 By FoneWorx women, brand engagement

Are you meaningfully connecting with South Africa's women consumers? Before you say yes, read that again and consider that the most important word in that sentence is 'meaningfully'.

Women consumers hold significant potential for retail brands. MAPS research conducted last year showed that women in South Africa accounted for 40% of the national income and were responsible for 58% of the daily purchases in their households.

The research showed that these women purchased primarily infant and toddler products, followed by medical and health products, hobbies and crafting products, flowers and plants, and finally, products related to personal and home safety and security. Aside from the infant and toddler purchases, all other purchases were made predominantly online.

By comparison, men spent their money on entertainment, sports and fitness, music and movies, travel and vacations, and clothing.

This tells us South African women prioritise their families and put their personal and healthcare needs first, above their own. They are also prepared to shop online to find what they're looking for at the right price.

It's not hard to see how a brand could connect with this audience. Women consumers care about their children and their families' wellbeing. Maternal love, care and compassion are all themes associated with these consumers - values that brands would do well to tap into.

Given South African female consumers' affinity for online shopping, digital platforms are ideal for engaging this market.

One survey of US women from Influence Central found that up to 86% of respondents were more likely to buy a brand that they had never purchased previously after interacting with that brand via social media. Around 87% of women were also more likely to regularly purchase from brand they interacted with.

This is important, because global research from various providers over several years has shown that women frequently write about, talk about and personally recommend brands to other women. Research also shows that when it comes to finding a solution to their problems, women ask other women for their recommendations first.

Brand trust and product efficacy are important to women. They form strong relationships with brands over many years, even passing on this loyalty to their own children when they get older.

It's clear from this data that the emotional connection women make with brands lies at the heart of their brand engagement. This is the sweet spot that marketers are aiming to hit in creating those meaningful interactions.

The CEO Magazine article, The six things women look for from the brands they purchase from, by Amanda Lacey unpacks this further:

"One of the key factors in women's connection with brands lies in their emotional intelligence. Women tend to make purchasing decisions based on how a brand makes them feel.

They seek out brands that align with their values, resonate with their aspirations and contribute to their overall wellbeing. By understanding the emotional landscape of women, brands can tailor their messaging, imagery and storytelling to evoke the desired emotional response."

The 'like, know and trust' factor is important to women, given their focus on their families. Engagement efforts should centre on that, leveraging experiential marketing - especially where sampling and new product launches are concerned - with digital platforms that emphasise customer testimonials as well as positive brand interactions from trusted female personalities and influencers.

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